
Car Wash Water Recycling

car wash, water recycling, enviroconcepts

If you are a car wash owner, you could have concerns regarding waste water generated by your business. Professional car washes are an easy way for consumers to get rid of the dirt and grime from their vehicles. As an operator of a professional car wash, you are obligated to consider these concerns:

  • How do you keep the dirt and chemicals from harming the environment?
  • How do you manage discharged wastewater?
  • Is there a possibility of recycling the waste water for better cost to you?

As an expert in car wash bay water recycling systems, we at Enviro Concepts would like to answer these top questions and concerns we receive from our clients to help you, the car wash owner, to gain clarity in order to take the right decisions about your car wash waste water.

Why is a car wash waste water an environmental concern?

The waste water generated by car washes has a detrimental impact on the environment if not managed and discharged properly. Contaminants usually found in car washes can include;

Contaminants in Waste Water

Hydro carbons, oil and grease Medium to high
Degreasers and detergents Extremely high
Phosphates and surfactants High
Solids and sediments like break dust High
Heavy metals and inorganic compounds like lead, zinc, arsenic and nitrates


How can I make my car wash system more efficient?

With the intention of implementing and improving water conservation practices, here are 4 ways every car wash owner can maintain a more efficient car wash system.

  1. Proper Maintenance – Check and repair leaks and low pressure. Adjust flow in nozzles, sprays and other lines to meet minimum quality requirements. Check alignment of nozzles and inspect clogging.
  2. New Technology – Maintain high specifications in all water using devices and replace old models with water saving models.
  3. Proper process and procedures
  4. Education

car wash, water recycling, enviroconcepts

How do I manage the waste water generated?

There are two ways to manage car wash waste water – contain and recycle or discharge, and Enviro Concepts offers solution for both.

Car wash water can be harmful to humans, animals and plants if not dealt with properly. Wastewater has to be treated before it is discharged into the sewer system or surface water bodies such as rivers, lakes and streams. To discharge trade waste, you need to acquire approval from the Council and the water has to be treated to certain specifications before it can be discharged. Enviro Concepts offers approved water treatment systems along with their portable car wash bay systems giving car wash owners environmental benefits, ease of use, cost savings and approved systems in a single solution.

Enviro Concepts also offers recycle plants in conjunction with their portable wash bay systems to provide a turnkey wash bay solution. When the two systems work together, the only water losses are typically due to minor evaporation that occurs from the pressure cleaning equipment spray jets. When comparing the cost of continually sourcing fresh water and then compliantly disposing off the resultant polluted water, the Enviro Concepts wash bay water recycling in car wash provides far superior environmental, cost and operational benefits on an ongoing basis.

Contact us for a FREE QUOTE for your car wash system today and we will provide you a quick estimate within 24 hours.